Sunday, March 9, 2008

This cold has slowly been metamorphasizing into something all it's own. I manage to make it through the week, every week for the past 5, I think soley on adrenaline, but every weekend it's the same. I'm flat out and so stuffed up. My sinuses feel so compacted. I feel at a loss. I have done basically everything I can think of, short of drinking my own urine (still not gonna happen!), to beat this thing. I actually whined to Tina yesterday morning. She came by to disperse some of the many chocolates she got for woman's day (I got jellies, my students knowing I don't eat a lot of chocolate). As she was leaving she asked if there was anything I needed and mentally I say 'Yeah! Please do the dishes and my laundry.' Literally, I croaked, "No." The weather is finally warming up. It's in the plus now in the afternoons, which feels so warm to us. I won't fall into the trap though, where you think it's safe but you wind up more sick! Even Doogie has been off for three days! So unlike her, but she'll be back on Monday. She has missed the class and work, due to a terrible headache and being stuck at home, and we have missed her.

Some new teachers have arrived! One is going to take my students for two periods a week! I'm so excited. I'll finally have time, time to get things done with out "Miss M?" One of my students actually followed me into the bathroom and was calling me, "Miss M?", "Miss M, are you in here?" I finally responded and she proceeded to tell me through the bathroom door that I was shy. I said, "How do you mean?"
"You're shy because you don't come into the pool with us! You are Miss Thin! You should come in!" Little does she know that the main reason I won't come in is because I only have a bitty bikini to wear and for my liking, too many visible tattoos. I just told her that it was 'complicated.' I also had flashbacks to my own poor mother, just home from work and going into the bathroom. I would stand outside yelling, "Mom!" Once, I recall, I sang the entire theme song to Mr. Roger's neighbourhood, just to show her I'd learned all the words. I also would yell Tony the Tiger's catch phrase "They're Great!". I'm sure she was impressed. It's silly, actually, what little kids need as encouragement. I say, "Wow, that's great!" and they are happy. It seems silly to me, but that's because I require so much more assurance as my life has become more complicated. Now I read into smiles and nods as though they are tarot cards. With kids, it's just what it is. My students, though, do know when I'm genuinely listening or not, and call me on it everytime. I do have a few time suckers who always want to 'help me' but really that means just stand there, hug me, and annoy me. I have to tell them to concentrate on their own work. They also pretend to take so much offence when I josh them, but they love it. I only do it to the ones who can understand though, the English is still varied. I have taken to pretending that I'm going to cut off an offending finger just for having a paper cut. It seems the worst thing in the world until I offer to take care of it for them. They come up to my desk all serious, and I am too, untill I hold their finger and put the scissors up to them. They squeal with delight! I also ask anyone who's running in the halls, "Are you on fire?" I usually get a confused look from the older students who finally respond by saying, "No." So, I tell them, "Then, there's no reason to run!"
We are more than halfway through the school year, and it was time to talk about contracts. Mr. Gary Diamond (who happened across my blog quite accidentally but was complimentary) was here to discuss renewals. I was lucky to be invited back and after much thinking (thanks for being out of town mom!) decided to renew. I would gladly work with Doogie again next year and who could turn down these faces? These photos are actually thanks to Mr. Richard, who has been extremely prolific in his photo taking since his arrival.
Albeit, these youngun's will have moved on next year, but I will have a new bunch who need me too. I'm actually looking forward to the prospect of augmenting my first year teachings, now that I know what I'm doing! I'll be much better prepared and ready for more impromptu ideas. Not that I'm not already silly in my explainations; I have found that's the way to keep attention. I make silly noises and gestures, but it holds attention and some of the kids actually remember what I say! I had the biggest compliment of the year, and it didn't come from anyone who was an adult. It came from Munkhbold. He said, "Miss M! You're so funny, your face is like a comic's! You're the best teacher I have ever had!" This, from a boy! That is like; Me, one, Universe, nada.
The Konopaski's have left us. Their presence is missed, and the vacancy will never be filled. They were the sweetest, most benign beings I have ever encountered. Just, so full of goodness and the very best intentions. Christina was just over 7 mos pregnant and had to get a note from her doctor that it was alright for her to travel by plane. We did have a send off for them and it was too overwhelming when John, big strong John, broke down during his speech. It made me choke up and many of my student too. They were so sad all they wanted to do was go hug them. But, just as Christina predicted, once they were gone, it wasn't such a big deal. I must admit that now the school nurse is gone, the students have fewer ailments that can't be cured by going to the bathroom!
It was International Woman's Day this Saturday. To celebrate it our school held a candy-o-gram dealie. It took forever to explain to them that the candies would not be delivered to their homes for their mothers and other such questions. The swim teacher actually came to the classroom looking for us! On the day of it hapening, one boy in my class sent three to himself! I got three and felt very special!
One of my students, Enkhdelger, gave me this English book to read. It's titled "Marley and Me" and might as well be called "Farley and Me". It's all the foibles of new-dog ownership. I actually teared up at one part when the puppy was so sympathetic with one of it's new owners. It reminded me how adept Farley was at reading my moods and knowing exactly how to react. It is worked into the new contract that there are to be no pets allowed. I found this a little confusing due to the fact that I was informed there were no pets on my initial signing, however, upon my arrival I discovered a pair of teachers had a cat. Not that I would put Farley through the gruelling flight here, that would just be cruel. Plus, the conditions here, while he would have his hay-day and I probably would never see him once I let him off the leash, would leave him open for fights and other contanimants. Still, I miss that boy. We've been a duo for so many years. It's just so strange not waking up to him waking up with me! Even after these months, I still feel his fur in my hand and hear him behind the door when I am opening it. I hear so many dogs barking, but it never bothers me because I know my doggie's bark, and none of them are it. Well, unless, it's when I'm trying to sleep and 12 of them are doing it, or it's 3 am and the same thing!

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