Tuesday, March 11, 2008

It would appear here that with spring comes dust storms. The winds have a tendency to pick up quickly. They have erected a ger in the playground for the kids to have some refuge from the brutal winds. I admit, I was to head into town after school yesterday but was deterred by the winds. I worry about my eyes. They've been pretty good since my diagnosis and am out of drops. I need some goggles like the camel rider!
One of the student's here has been nice enough to organize a day trip to Terelj for the teachers. I am very much looking forward to heading to the countryside for a day and getting out of the city. There is much opportunity to travel here and the accomodations are easy to find and nice in the ger camps. It's the transportation! We have no way to get there! Still, I would not think of driving here, ever! The roads are bad and the drivers kind of crazy! Just the other day, someone in Doogie's extended family got plowed down by a car at a cross walk. I have learned only to cross with other people at these walks, as there is saftey in numbers. It's sad though, that someone lost their life because everyone here is in such a hurry to get nowhere.
Doogie was on a mission and got me some medication for this brutal cold I've been enduring. I think it's amoxicillin, but it's spelled amoksisillin. I also got some nasal spray. I have had many kids off sick, some for longer than others. One was gone for nearly two weeks! Doogie said that in the winter they will often close the schools down for a week to give the sickness a chance to dissipate and students (and teachers) an opportunity to recover.
I have decided to go to Thailand for my spring vacation. It is fairly inexpensive and I can book a tour so I can see lots of sights and travel saftely alone. I am looking forward to it, as I missed my Christmas vacation. Anyone have any must see spots there that I simply can't miss? Let me know!

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