Saturday, March 22, 2008

Day trip to Terelj

Some of the staff took a day trip to Terelj. We stopped by the side of the road and spent about $1 to have our photo taken with the eagle. It started out a beautiful day, big blue sky and sunny, though a bit chilly. It ended up getting colder as the day progressed. It even snowed at one point, just when you thought it was safe to out again!

It was a lovely day. A student in grade 7, Hannaa, decided out of the blue to organize a teacher's day trip. I jumped at the chance to get out of UB for the day. Experience the fresh countryside air and scenery. We drove to Terelj, took a two hour horse ride to the Monastry and walked up. Then we rode back. Happiest I've been as of late was trotting along with my horse. I named it Foamy because it was unusual in colour. It was so lovely being outside and feeling relaxed.

I of course freaked out, again, over the suspension bridge. Since I've gotten older my fear of heights has increased. The knowledge that only three people can be on the bridge at a time didn't help! This is where you end up when you manage to cross it! There are 108 steps to the top. I was informed by Hannaa that 108 is an important number to the Buddists, and that's why. She also told me that there is a male and a female budda. I had no idea!

We all went to this Korean restaurant to eat. It was kind of confusing because for some reason we weren't actually allowed into the restaurant. We holed up in two gers and had our food. It was nice to be inside because it was quite chilly at that time. Terry and Andrew brought some sporting equipment and ended up playing "Mogol" baseball. I call it this because Terry found a stick on the ground he used as a bat. Everyone had fun! Oh, and you are not to make fun of my ginormous glasses! I need them to keep the dust out of my eyes!

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