Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I may have spoken too quickly, the snow is swirling once again where the dust was yesterday. Over the past week and a half it's been in the plus, but today it was not so. The dust storms were replaced by snow storms. Okay, well, not storms like we know them in North America, but those maintenance men were sweeping those straw brooms to clear the snow, only to turn around and find they needed to do it again.

Things are going along here well. I am helping to update the website, thanks to everyone else's prolific picture taking! There are so many photos to choose from, and I'm trying to make it balanced between all the grades. I must admit, it is hard not to just put all my own classes photos there! I shall resist the urge though. Now that I am learning more of the student body through various activities, I see my students, but older. It is encouraging and invigorating. However, I have learned that the tactics I use with the grade 3's only get crazy, cock-eyed looks from the older students. I explain that I am still in elementary school mode and need a minute to snap out of it. They at least grant me that.

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