Thursday, August 30, 2007

Today we went to the "black" market. It is this massive outdoor shopping area with some buildings. Anything you can imagine there, you can buy. Anything. I did not bring my camera as it is very well known for it's thieves but the one image I can't get out of my head is one from the fabric area. There, curled up on rolls of fabric, was a little girl sleeping. She looked so peaceful amongst the chaos. There were so many people there! All pushing and pulling their way through. At some instances I became quite claustraphobic.

I purchased a humidifier for my room, some incense, a jacket, a traditional style dress that I intend to use as a housecoat as my favourite one now has another huge rip in it. It is more like a mumu on me, but comfortable and a great colour purple. Colin got a microwave for 50,000 t's, basically $50 dollars.

It was very cute today because my teaching partner, Doogie (doggy), thought I was upset with her, when I was not. She was worried and I told her not to. I buddied up some returning students with some new to the school and one parent seemed concerned as I had a boy and a girl together. "Oh, but he's a boy!" I said, no problem, I'll change it. She thought I was upset about that. Silly, silly girl. She's a great help to me and of course I will take any advice she has to offer.

One thing I have noticed here is how few accidents there are considering the way people drive. You can most certainly see many dents and dings in the cars driving and this is the one place I would say a jeep or SUV are necessary as the potholes are massive and the roads in very poor shape. We got picked up by a 20 year old man who has a 2 year old son. He was by far the most cautious driver I'd been in the car with in Mongolia!

1 comment:

David Cuthill said...

Good stuff, Catherine Elizabeth.
