Wednesday, August 22, 2007

We all decided to go into town last night. The taxi driver knew the name of where we were going. "Irish Pub?" Yes! While we were there I noticed a young man sitting all by his lonesome and went to invite him to our table. He did speak English and was named Lesser. He was a young 20 year old who was on a 5 month long journey with a friend through Asia. He was a very nice young man and we exchanged email addresses. He was going through China and would end up in Thailand so I made him promise to keep in touch and let me know how things were going.
Earlier in the day I asked Laurie and Terry if their cat Aggie could come by for a visit. She did but did not want to stay in my apartment. Our visit was ending but my allergies were just beginning! I wound up all red faced and rather miserable. I still do hope that Aggie will come by again and maybe stay longer. It was nice just having her around.
I heard that Terry and Laurie were going into town for Quiz night at one of the pubs and I asked if I could tag along. I told them we would win!

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