Thursday, May 15, 2008

It's been a quiet, but active week here. With no students all day I have managed to get an insurmountable amount of work done, but miss them terribly. It's too quiet. I feel they're all up to something, but don't know what! All but two of the homework packages I have prepared have gone home. We actually are still waiting on the health department as to if we can open our doors again to the younger students. We have to wait until tomorrow at 2:00 to find out, but we're hoping for the best. It's not just us though, it's every school. It's due to the viral life span. Since it is so contagious, it lives for quite some time out of the human body. From 3 to 7 days they say. So, we have to clear everyone susceptible out during that gestation period. You'd probably be better off asking my brother about it. I'm sure he's got more of a handle on this than I do. All I know is what others tell me. Some of the schools who had an earlier end date than ours have just closed for the year. We have also said that we will add an extra hour onto our regular schedule to make up for lost teaching time. Thus far, it will only include next week, but we still have to see how many days total are lost. Hopefully no more! I miss my kids!

We will still have the party for Doogie tomorrow. I was beginning to wonder, since no one spoke to me about it. I happened to see a TP trying on dresses in the staff room and asked if she had a date. She said, "No, it's for Doogie's party tomorrow." I said, "What! You're coming! No one told me!" Turns out everyone, and I mean everyone, is coming. I was so distressed. I hadn't heard any response and assumed no one cared. Well, I'm more than happy to have my frown turned upside down! I made pasta salad and bought some drinks. I think everyone is looking forward, right now, for any excuse for a party. We have to thank Doogie for this!

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