Monday, September 3, 2007

I successfully completed my first day teaching grade 3! It went even better than I had imagined. The students are extremely well behaved. Though my class number has risen to 26 I don't think it will be an issue. Especially since I have Doogie and she knows many of the children in my class already. It has surprised me that my class is primarily girls as I was expecting it to be heavier with boys.

This morning we had our opening ceremony. The parents all came. Many of my students gave me flowers. So much so that I could hardly carry them all! The girls were decked out in their finest dresses and the boys in suits even. It is becoming clear to me that school is taken very seriously here.

My students are very eager to learn. They are excited do all the subjects and want more homework! I told them it was only the first day and the letter I had them write to me tonight introducing themselves was enough. I also started to read to them from "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" and it is very much a crowd pleaser. Thank you to Kenna Roberts for lending me her books!

After lunch a boy in my class was sitting so quietly with his hand up. When I acknowledged him he said "I am trying to throw up". I told him to get to the bathroom, which luckily is right next door to me, but he proceeded to lose his lunch all over his desk. The poor guy! I had to jump back to avoid being splashed. His father came to pick him up and his sister came after school to get his work. The funny thing about it is that they were so very apologetic to me! Aside from that and one nose bleed, everything else went very smoothly.

I am looking forward to this year and hope it will remain the same. I have great expectations!
My class! I have told them it will take me some time to learn their names properly and they were very happy to hear that I come from the same place as their old teacher.
Happy Birthday Mom! Hope you have a great one!

1 comment:

David Cuthill said...

Only a day on the job, and already they're sick of you. I usually last two days.
