Thursday, April 3, 2008

I had a funny thing happen at school. I put in a request for some accordian file folders. Enkhee, bless her soul, tried very hard to understand what I was asking for. A few days later she came to me and said, "Do you play the acordian?" I was confused and said, "No." As it turns out, she thought I wanted two of the instruments! Thank heavens they were not purchased yet, or else I'd have been filing my papers in two very useless but expensive objects.

Tomorrow is the last day before spring break. It has been a long 3rd term and I am more than looking forward to the change of routine. Instead of our ususal Friday, for the second half of the day we will have a class party and then watch a movie. Doogie and I had dinner at Erdenedari's home tonight and she kept repeating how she couldn't wait for tomorrow! Unfortunately, I don't really have anything planned. We will have a class party with snacks for one period, and watch a movie for the final two. Nice and easy way to end this busy week!

So, I'm off to Thailand very early Saturday morning and back very late Sunday night. I will be sure to post my amazing photos when I return and fill everyone in on my trip!


Pat said...

Hi. I may be teaching at ASU next year and am looking for a heads-up on what to expect. If you have time to write me, my email is

e 8 n d e (at) u n b (dot) c a .


Pat Hanley

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