Saturday, April 19, 2008

Okay, I am, unfortunately, almost finished with my trip. This is the best day for me though. I went and swam with the dolphins!
I got picked up early and taken to the dolphin show, after which, I put on my life jacket, made sure my nails were trimmed to specification, and slowly got into the water. I also had to take off my bracelet and take out my belly ring. After touching the dolphins, I understand why. They, actually, are very soft and many had "accidents". They had sore spots. Still, I got to touch them!

The dolphins looked differently than I'd expected. The most recognizable type was actually pink in colour! The other type didn't have the bottle nose. They were the cutest though! I got to kiss, be kissed, and hang onto their fin and swim around the area. It was too much. Again, I couldn't help but think how lucky I was! There was a woman from Russia who refused to ruin her manicure and did not get into the water. I got Nookie to take my picture. I fed the dolphins headless fish and danced with them as well! Such a treat!

Ah, but this was just the beginning of our day! After this amazing experience we traveled to a crocodile farm. I fed the crocodiles raw chicken! We had these bamboo poles where the chicken was attached at the end by string. We lowered the end into the area and the crocodiles loved it! I was getting annoyed with this Chek couple as they viewed it as funny to tease and taunt both the dolphins and the crocodiles with the food being offered. In my opinion, we were lucky to just be in the same vicinity as these great creatures, and to taunt them could possibly lead to other ramifications. That's just me though.

Also on this farm the kept reindeer, wild boars, peacocks, and ostriches! Everything ate bananas and we fed them. The ostriches were the the funniest because they had that long, skinny neck and when they ate the banana, it stuck out obviously in their throat. There were many roosters and chickens around. They are long and thin, not the modified ones you see in N.America with those gigantic breasts. There was even a monkey from the deep jungle. It stared at us and did not seem happy to be stuck in the cage. It cried all the time. I have to admit, it was amazing to see. It swung around as if it were really floating.

I ran out of room on my memory sticks, and am kicking myself for not getting a new one before arriving in Thailand. I tried to buy one, but they don't sell them at the 7-11! Yes, Thailand came complete with 7-11, Starbucks, KFC and McDonalds! I refused to step foot in all of the above.

After feeding the animals bananas we headed to Phliu, this incredible waterfall! There were literally thousands of carp in the waters and we swam with them and also fed them green beans. It felt very strange to be in the water with so many other creatures, and they tried to eat me! Nookie, thinking it was funny, put some beans in the water near me and caused a frenzy! The fish rubbing against you and touching you was an uncomfortable feeling. Plus, I kept worrying about stepping on them, but they swam away. The did keep trying to eat the ties of my bathing suit because they were green and floating in the water.

I was some kind of a superstar at this water fall for some reason! So many random people just wanted to have their picture taken with me because the found me beautiful. Me! I have to admit, I was flattered. Nookie made the joke later that everything in Thailand loved me; the people, mosquitoes, sand flies, even the butterflies! This one butterfly wouldn't leave me alone. I did not manage to get a picture of it, but this one blue butterfly was all over me and actually landed on my head at one point.

This is how bananas grow!
I had an issue with the front desk after I returned from my amazing day. They told me I had to check out at 1:00 the next day, but I know I paid for a late check out. I was not leaving until 6:00. They offered to watch my bags and the like, but still. I approached the owner and said nicely, "Look, I'm having this issue...." He just walked away from me! I was flabbergasted! However, I could not find my sheet with this information printed out. Knowing me, I threw it away after my check-in. I did decide to become trite and refused to spend any more money at the resort after his dismissal of me.

Okay, last day. I spent the last day just swimming at will. I knew I'd never see water again for many months. I also held off on this decision I'd made, due to the consequences being no swimming! I did get two tattoos there. Once I discovered my name in Thai was "Meow" I had to have it on my body! Plus, I got my baby Farley's name done over my heart. Every time I see my Farle's name, I get elated and happy. Only two months to go and I'll be hugging my baby again. Gee, I sure miss him. I have never traveled without him before. Mom, I hope you understand!
It's funny though, to me, because everyone here since I've gotten back has made comments about my tan. Eggie, Yumchigma's older brother, asked me what happenend? Here, and even in Thailand, all the skin products are about whitening, making you look more Western. I just don't get it!

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