Saturday, April 19, 2008

I am very much annoyed with Mongolia right now! It's not Thailand! I had to go into town last night, and due to the bus being late, I missed the bank. My bank card was not working and I ended up coming home empty handed. My vacation (ahhh!) left me with one American dollar in my bank account. I needed to exchange what American money I had and hopefully my Chinese money too. Well, I wound up borrowing money from Maureen. Today, I went back into town and the bank opened at 2:00. It was 20 to. I walked to the other bank only to discover it was closed! I walked back and they refused to exchange my Chinese money. Rats! So, what little money I had is now spent! Plus, people were constantly trying to run me over! What's up with the Mongolian drivers! They are racing just to have to stop! I have to admit, I was annoyed and when a car finally slowed down to let me cross the road, I went very slowly and stared at the driver. Ohh! I'm bad!

Okay, Thailand. I'm on Day 5 I think. It was my day of rest. I shopped until I dropped! I bought some gifts for the students, these tiny, bronze statues and some wooden, cat statues. I also bought a really cool buddah lamp, a sarong, and a new skirt. Plus, I got a new wrap skirt to replace my old, worn out one from California and a white, breezy shirt. I got really good at bargining. They would show me the price on the calculator, I'd say no. They would gesture for me to show them the price I'd pay. They'd say no. I'd walk away and they'd chase me down. Oh, I also got a pair of crocs that are very comfortable.

There were these Thai guys, who may have been Cambodian, who were harassing me last night. They kept sending this poor little boy up to my room to give me roses and orchid necklaces. I finally agreed to come down and have a drink with them. They spoke no English. I mimed to them and after one beer I said (acted out) that I was going for a swim and then to bed. I think it was about 9:00. I went to bed and they came and knocked on my door. I had blown them kisses goodnight, but they seemed to think they were going to come into my room! I shut the door on them and put on the chain lock.

Well, tonight, they were up to the same antics. I said thank you but made it clear I wanted to be alone. They tried to entice me to their table, but I was firm. If they bug me another day, I'll speak to the receptionist. They were destroying my serenity.

I ate crab off the bar-b-que tonight. Last time I had the squid and it was so freakin' delicious! I also had the spring rolls again. I had to get the "chef" to show me how to eat the crab, and there were four of them! There must have been something off with the seafood, as I projectile vomited them up later. I was just sitting there, thinking how happy I was, when suddenly everything came rushing up! I was lucky to make it to the bathroom in time. Afterwards I felt okay and worried I would not be well enough for the dolphins the next morning.

The sand fly bites here are much worse than the mosquitoes. You have no idea it's happening until the next day and they leave these massive red marks. Anong had told me that the tiger balm is no good for them, you have to use strong tobacco. However, Nookie contradicted him. She said the tiger balm is okay. I still have the marks on my legs and Doogie was shocked when she saw them. The mosquito bites swelled up rather large on me (and of course they loved me!) but the tiger balm took away the itch.

I laughed to myself because a girl saw me heading into the water the other night and she asked, "Are you going swimming, NOW?" I just said, "Yeah!" Like the ocean closed at sundown or something. After dark, no more swimming!

Initially, everyone here was saying, "You're here alone?" Later, it became, "Oh, she's alone." I have caused quite the stir! I have to force myself not to say, "What part of my vacation is your business?" That's just residual tension. They're just curious. I can't blame them, I'd be the same way.
This is me being happy in the waves. Like I said earlier, I have discoverd I'm happiest either near or in the water. I'm definately a cancer! I got this German man on the beach to take my picutre. I asked, "Can you take a picture of me looking happy in the waves?" He replied, "Well, that depends, can you look happy?" I think so!

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