Friday, April 25, 2008

As you all know, it was Earth Day April 22. I took it seriously and felt it my duty to educate these kids about recycling and turning off the lights and what not. In a place such as this, where power failures seem to be a daily occurrence and water is piped in, it seems relevant to educate the young. It really struck me when we went to 13th Century "Village" and when the kids saw about 20 trees together they said "Look! Miss M! A forest!" I had to tell them that it wasn't, that it wasn't even close! All the forests in Mongolia have been chopped down already. They need a tree planter like me to come in and, ow, my back hurts already! Still, renewable resource.

We made posters and discussed cows, cigarettes and turning off the lights and the tap. Then we braved the wind and went out to pick up trash! I did not say, "Well, class, we are going to go out there and pick up garbage." No, no no. You say, "Hey kids, don't we want to do our part? Let's go clean!" Seriously, they were the most enthusiastic garbage picker uppers I've ever seen! We headed out with our plastic gloves and bags and filled them to the brim. They were asking me to take them to the monument nearby to do the same. I'm so proud!

Another bout of parent/teacher interviews is done. After the last one today I realized it would be my last one this year, as after the last reports go out, I will most likely have left the country, or at least be unreachable. They were mostly, fairly, painless. Most of the parents had spoken with me throughout the year and there were no new surprises for anyone. I did have a bit of a run in with one parent. She finally showed up after two previously missed meetings. She was livid with me! I held my ground and spoke my part. The fact of the matter was, I had truth behind me, and that was what helped me. Some of the parents view themselves as above recourse because of their standing. Well, little do they know, I treat each and every person the same way. An old habit from waitressing. I don't care if you have money or no, you still get the same service. That's how I've viewed this too. If you want to know the truth of it all, her child has, and probably will still continue to, lie. I also caught her in some lies. What troubles me the most is that she has not seen one test or any of the homework the entire year. She came in spitting fire but had nothing concrete to speak of, only her son's word. I literally had to stare her down. I have never had that. I think she thought I'd break, but no go.

I've been having some money problems this week. I had only one American dollar left in my bank account upon my return from Thailand. I have borrowed about $30 from the staff, just for little necessities. Well, I was so happy seeing as how I got paid today. When I went to withdraw funds, they weren't there! I waited until 4:00, still none. I waited until 5:00, still none. I was forced to withdraw from my Canadian account, but not nearly enough. I'm hoping it's not a mix up since I've changed accounts. I did give Miga my new account number. It's okay though, I have enough to get me through until Monday if the money's not there tomorrow.
I went with Doogie today after school to get a face massage. I had to wait a bit, but I'm still not sure if it was worth it. It was very cheap, yes. But, don't we also pay for ambiance? I had to endure her son coming in with his friend the entire time, yelling and doing homework. Homework was the last thing I needed to be around! Plus, the son was digging around at my head and pulled out this sandwich that stank of meat. They were in and out of the room and she kept saying "Shh!" and I felt I was an imposition. Also, she had these harsh bar lights right over my eyes. Plus, she got so much moisturizer in my eyes, I can barely see straight! My eyes are redder than a ripe tomato!
I have to admit, I've been in a bit of a post-vacation depression. Things have been tense for me here with yearbook looming and all the parent teacher interviews. I have lost that light at the end of the tunnel, where I'm coming home in two months. It's a tiny light now, focused on what is at hand. I can be excited later. Farley! I miss you.

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