Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The weeks just seem to fly by now! I have taught the kids all about "hump day" and TGIF! I also have taught them something my mom used to say when I was a child. I often have hands raised up to answer questions. When called upon I quite frequently get the response "I forgot." So, I told them, after hearing it from mom so many times, that it must have been a lie. We talked about some riddles today, like what's black and white and read all over? In this riddle we have discovered a new homophone! Read and red.

I successfully got out my first ever report cards. While they were somewhat repetitive, they were also tactful, honest and true. I now have to hurdle parent-teacher conferences on Thursday and Friday. The students will all be let out early those days and I will run the gauntlet! I'm not worried, as I have suggestions for those who are not doing well. It does break your heart to see such good kids struggle.

I must officially be going crazy! I went shopping yesterday and lost an entire bag of groceries! Plus, I slept badly Saturday night and decided to have a nap on Sunday. I woke up a few times and looked at the clock. I thought to myself that I still had plenty of time to make it for my weekly massage, but wondered why it was so dark out all the time. Finally, when the clock read 1:30 and it was pitch black I looked at my very expensive alarm clock (my cell phone) and saw it was now officially Monday morning. I was so confused. How did this happen? Where did Sunday go? I told some of the other teachers I was hibernating right now, but I didn't mean literally!

We have the Winter Festival coming up and my students have decided they would like to put on a play. After much consideration we have decided to put on the production titled "Spiderman and Santa Clause Rescue Christmas!" I wrote the play and had to make a few short cuts. I needed to have a narrator to cut down on the amount of lines the actors had to memorize and explain things. I also am going to have to scrimp on time, so it's very to the point. Tomorrow will be out first dry run, we'll see how it goes!

On the plus side, due to the fact the principal has officially resigned, I have requested a letter of reference. He came today to observe me and my class. I was nervous, but he had nothing but glowing things to say. I was so very pleased! He liked my methods and even stated I managed to make Grammar fun! How nice! He also noticed a book on Doogie's desk, "What to Expect When You're Expecing." All he said to her was, "Interesting choice of books, Doogie." She's been keeping it a secret for now but the school nurse, Mrs. Konopaski, is not. She mentioned to me how all the kids are so excited for her. I mentioned how the kids have renewed their quest for me to get married and have a baby in my tummy. Initally, they wanted me to marry Mr. Carr, but I had to explain that he was married to Mrs. Carr. Then they moved on to Mr. Mark, the 70 year old principal. Luckily, he is married as well. Now, apparently, I'm destined to marry Mr. Wheeler, the 24 year old science teacher. The student's constantly ask my age, even though I've told them many times, and tell me I'd better hurry up! I tell them there's no rush. Discussion like this though has made me ponder my marriagability. Maybe I just don't share very well, maybe I am too independent. I keep hearing that some wonderful man is going to come along and sweep me off my feet. Do I want to be "taken down?" I dunno.

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