Saturday, November 24, 2007

I finished my parent-teacher interviews. Wow, such questions! Can we change the hours of the school day? Can we do this? Can I not send the children home with their text book but photocopies instead? I am grateful for the insight into some of my students, but some parents seemed truly disappointed. It hurts, really. Those of you who are teachers and have seen them struggling know what I'm saying. There really is no sugar coating it. I did my best to make recommendations, but when it comes to listening and focusing in class, that's up to them. I can only prod them so much. I also have expressed my discomfort with the "home teacher" as they tend to do the work for the student and when it comes to test time they have no real comprehension of what's been happening.

I've been undergoing alot of deep thinking lately. I have realized that I dont need anyone to tell me about stuff that happened over a year and a half ago. I know. While others put their success into other's hands, I tend to take it in my own. Belive me, I have more than beat myself up over things that have happened and I wish I could take back. I think I've punished myself enough. I have hurt myself more than anyone could even imagine. So, if you think of me, think of the girl who fought for Mongolia. I may have left, but nothing has left me. While you are all sleeping soundly, know that my demons haunt me.

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