Saturday, June 7, 2008

My, oh my! What a night we all had! Oyunaa took everyone out for dinner and we enjoyed good food, company and dancing. It was a great, how do you say?, blister popper. We all enjoyed each other's company and got to know one another on a more intimate level. Afterward, I went to the River Sounds and enjoyed more of the same. I met many new people, enjoyed the live music, and danced all night. Of course, I'm paying for it today, but it was well worth it! I'm so happy Doogie came! She seems to think she's going to pop soon. Mother knows best! The consensus is that Doogie looks beautiful, and I have to agree. She's grown inside something only a mother can explain. She seems to be looking on at us with a secret or something. I get the sense now that she has some inate knowledge and is watching the rest of us 'kids' play. Me "knock on wood" can have no fathoming of that.
This is the big boss lady, Oyunaa. She hosted the party for us and also can cut a rug!
I have begun to get a bit sad, knowing so many teachers are leaving and I will probably never see them again. It is most upsetting about Sue. She is such a strong, quiet presence. However, her actions speak so loudly! Just by being near her I have learned so much. She will be missed sorely by me.
There was an incredible storm here! I saw so much lightening and the wind was horrendous, no rain though. Many of us gathered just to watch it. The power suddenly went out, and came back on about a half hour later, just as suddenly. It makes one realize the power of the wind! It blew my window open and knocked over a conveniently placed jug of water. All I could say was, "Oh my!" For the brief moments my window was open, everything was covered in grit. As quickly as it started, it ended. Still, no rain, with all that lightening. Again, strange.

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