Sunday, October 26, 2008

Now that the Hallowe'en festivities are done and I'm on break you would think things would calm down. Not so! I met Sue for some Korean food and then we went for massages. My male masseuse thought it would be a good opportunity to take our relationship to the next level and tried to have sex with me. It was all so strange. I was very relaxed and enjoying my 90 minute massage when he tried to climb on top of me and asked, "Okay?" I said, "No, no, no." He got down and just continued the massage. It was like something out of a Salvidor Dali painting, just so surreal. I tipped him afterward, just to show there were no hard feelings and that I wasn't upset. I have a feeling this is normal practice here, as I've heard similar stories about another establishment. Just, it was surprising. I've seen this man many, many times before, and nothing of this nature was ever implied. I guess it's still up for debate. Do I return to show there's no problem, no hard feelings? Or do I just never go back. The dilemma is due to the fact that they are the best massages in town! Plus, it's not like he was aggressive or disrespectful of my wishes. I'll have to think some more on this situation.

Now that I am on vacation I finally went for my facial. It was amazing! I got some waxing done and a facial all for about $36 AM. Can't beat those prices!

I have been invited to go to the old capital of Mongolia this week for a day trip. I am very interested in seeing it and will post pictures as soon as I have them. I have no idea what to expect, but it's always nice to get out of the city, even if just for a day.

As I have said, there was recently an election here. There will be another one soon, so hopefully no riots will break out! I drove past the scene of the building that was set on fire last time where the 5 people died. It was disheartening. The building is still standing but nothing has been done in the way of repairs. I have to admit, I think it's a little sad that a country who has this democratic process has to stop the sale of liquor to ensure a safe voting process. Am I the only who who this strikes as strange? I've begun to view Mongolia as that of a teenager, acting up, dressing up, and thinking they know everything. I remember that, and I received so much patience from my mother, that I can't help but be optimistic and give her my patience too. But then what do I know? I can't even be trusted to buy toilet paper!

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