Friday, February 27, 2009

Mongolian Facts

Here are some facts about Mongolia. I hope you find this interesting! I sure did.

1. Mongolia has one of the lowest population densities in the world with only 1.5 people per 1 square km. You wouldn't know this from living in Ulaanbaatar, but once you head out to the countryside, it becomes much more evident.

2. 4 million Mongolians live outside of Mongolia.

3. Mongolia is the 18th largest country in the world. And also the largest land-locked one. Although, according to another website, it is second to Kazakhstan. It is roughly the size of Alaska.

4. The currency is the Tugrug. $100 Canadian dollars is worth 117,472.42 Tg. Or rather, 100 Tg is worth about 0.85 CAD.

5. The language is Mongolian and they use a Cyrillic alphabet.

6. The average life expectancy is 62.9 years old, for men. The woman's is about 69 years old.

7. The telephone poles here have a base that is concrete. Without this concrete base, the poles would snap off due to the pressure of the frozen ground.

8. Mongolians (both men and women) regularly perform the "Farmer's Blow" in public.

9. Mongolia is one of the highest countries in the world, with an average elevation of 1580 meters.

10. The Mongol Rally is an annual eight thousand mile journey by car (1000cc) or motorbike (maximum 125cc) from London to the capital of Mongolia. Participants in the rally raise money for charity.

11. Mongolia boasts the famous Przewalski horses (know here has the Takhi) that have an extra 2 chromosomes than regular horses. These wild horses have 66 chromosomes to the 64 of domesticated breeds.

7. Mongolian men wear their belts below their bellies while the Chinese wear theirs on their belly.

8. There are "walking phones" here. You will often see a man or woman stationed with a regular looking house phone, but on the sidewalk. If you need, you can make a phone call for about 100Tg (about 85 cents).

9. If you accidentally bump into someone, especially with feet under a table, you must shake hands. This proves it was truly an accident.

10. The population consists of 90% Mongolians. The next highest is Kazakh at 4%.

11. People in the countryside live in homes made out of felt and wood called 'gers.'

12. According to one website, Ulaanbaatar is the only major city in Mongolia.

13. The current President is Enkhbayar Nambaryn.

14. 0.76% of Mongolian land is arable.

15. The economy of Mongolia depends upon mineral mining, livestock and animal products, and textiles. Minerals are a primary export, including copper, tin, gold, molybdenum, and tungsten.

16. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, knows who Chingis Khan is (known to us as Genghis). Not only knows, but loves him.

17. There is now a Canadian Embassy here.

18. A traditional beverage here is 'airag', made from fermented milk.

19. The diet is heavily meat based. I met a man who told me he's never cold because he eats fat before going outside.

20. Mongolia is well-known for the archaeological finds, namely dinosaur relics. You also can meet people in the countryside who will try to sell you dragon eggs.

21. One last one. There is a reason people wore/wear fur! Because it is warm!

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